Tanelli > Company > NOP cheeses

NOP cheeses

NOP cheeses

In the United States, organic products are governed by a Federal Act, which is in force since February 21, 2001, known as NOP (National Organic Program) and managed by the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).

In order to operate on this market, Tanelli has chosen to certify the production of hard cheese BIO NOP, in accordance with the US NOP Rules.
This cheese, available in 2.5 and 5 kg envelopes, can be obtained in cubes, flakes, grated and julienne and is intended for processing and food processing companies.
An important sign of Tanelli’s commitment to a controlled and certified production, in full compliance with the most stringent national and international regulations in the food sector.


TANELLI ELIO S.r.l. - P.IVA 02831430984