July 13, 2020

Merry Christmas from us and from our Tanelli Line… discover it here!

Christmas contdown has begun and, waiting to see the sleigh fly, there is someone else in the sky who wants to wish you Merry Christmas. It is the complete Tanelli Line, ready to make your festivity even better and more comfortable.

Our gift for you is to offer you different shapes and packaging, quality products and services to make the use of cheese ever more simple, practical and versatile.
With the Tanelli Line we have exceeded ourselves, marketing a special range, recognizable with our brand.

All the Tanelli Line references wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Here is: Fresh-Grated in the convenient 1 kg, 100 g and 5 g bags, 5 g grated Trentingrana,  grated Grana Padano POD from organic agricolture in 100 g and 5 g formats, Fresh grated Grana Padano POD in packs from 1 kg, 100 g and 5 g. And yet Fresh-grated Special Italy of 1 kg, “Il cuore della forma” of 1 kg, up to the eighth wheel Grana Padano POD, Grana Padano POD from organic farming and Special Italy.

Visit the products sheets:
Tanelli Line

TANELLI ELIO S.r.l. - P.IVA 02831430984